Kassondra Cloos

London-based travel writer and editor

Out of Office

A Review of My Ex-Boyfriend's Titanium Pot

A Review of My Ex-Boyfriend's Titanium Pot

It’s a very good titanium pot. Photo by Fjällräven | Matthias Fend

The following excerpt is from issue 4 of Trails Magazine, which you can order here.

My ex-boyfriend’s titanium pot—an EVERNEW Titanium Lightweight Camping Pot w/ Folding Handle, 900ml—functions exactly as advertised. It’s a titanium pot with rubber-coated handles that collapse to wrap around the pot like an embrace. It is uncomplicated: On a cold night of camping, the pot is just there for you, ready whenever you need it to boil a hot water bottle to tuck into your sleeping bag. 

While the pot belonged to my ex-boyfriend, there was never a time it was referred to as “my boyfriend’s titanium pot.” The relationship was serious enough to constitute referring to each other as exes, but not serious enough to warrant a discussion about titles before it ended. The last hike we did together, he led me up a Welsh mountain in a blizzard. The situation would have been improved by the presence of the pot, which holds enough water to make two large cups of tea. 

In spite of gale force winds and a strong preference for sunshine over sleet, I remained charming that day. But when we got home, he broke up with me. By text. 

Anyway, the pot weighs 4 oz. and does not weigh me down.

Moving from Colorado to London Was a Shock. Hiking the Coast Kept Me Grounded.

Moving from Colorado to London Was a Shock. Hiking the Coast Kept Me Grounded.